On June 1st each year, the world celebrates World Milk Day. On this occasion, Dr. R.S. Sodhi, the head of the Indian Dairy Association (IDA), extended his congratulations to the country's dairy farmers. When the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization established World Milk Day, Dr. R.S. Sodhi congratulated the dairy farmers of India on this significant day. He emphasized that if anyone deserves recognition on World Milk Day, it is the approximately 80 million dairy farmers in India. From being a milk-deficient country 50 years ago, India has now become the leading milk producer in the world, and today, milk is the largest agricultural commodity in the country, valued at 14 lakh crore rupees.
Milk holds great significance worldwide. Dr. R.S. Sodhi stated that over the past 50 years, India's population has increased by about two and a half times, while the country's milk production has increased tenfold. He noted that this growth is not just in production but also in consumption, with dairy products contributing around 20% to the diet. This remarkable achievement has been realized without any subsidies, Minimum Support Price (MSP), or special schemes. He proudly mentioned that India's dairy farmers lead the world in milk production.
For the farmers and dairy farmers of the country, animal husbandry presents a golden opportunity to earn income. Dairy farming provides a 70 to 80 percent profit margin, which directly benefits the farmers. Dr. R.S. Sodhi highlighted that animal husbandry is a viable business not only in rural areas but also in urban areas, offering a good source of income. Looking ahead, he mentioned that in the next 25 years, if any industry is poised for significant growth, it is the dairy industry. The biggest challenge for India's dairy farmers is to reduce the cost of milk production per liter. By addressing this, future generations can have a reliable source of income.