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Tur Dal (Arhar Dal) Rate Today in Uttar Pradesh (March 11, 2025)

Arhar Dal Prices in Azamgarh
Arhar Dal Prices in Azamgarh

Dear Farmers, if you are looking for the latest market prices of Tur Dal (Arhar Dal), this report is crucial for you! Today, the major mandis of Uttar Pradesh witnessed fluctuations in Arhar Dal prices. In some mandis, prices remained high, offering better profits to farmers, while in others, rates were slightly lower, benefiting buyers with affordable prices.
According to the latest mandi prices, major markets such as Gorakhpur, Azamgarh, Lucknow, Varanasi, Raebareli, and Etawah recorded different rates for Arhar Dal. If you want to maximize your profits by selling your produce in the right mandi, this today’s mandi price update will be highly beneficial. Let’s check the latest report and analyze the market trends to make informed decisions!

Tur Dal (Arhar Dal) Mandi Prices in Key Cities:

Arhar Dal Prices in Gorakhpur Mandi: Gorakhpur mandi witnessed a total arrival of 100 tons of Arhar Dal today. The minimum price recorded was ₹12,750 per quintal, while the maximum price reached ₹12,850 per quintal. The model price stood at ₹12,800 per quintal. Due to the strong demand for high-quality Arhar Dal, prices remained firm in this mandi.

Arhar Dal Prices in Azamgarh Mandi:

Azamgarh mandi, the total arrival of Arhar Dal was 27 tons. The minimum price recorded was ₹12,200 per quintal, while the maximum price reached ₹12,300 per quintal. The model price remained ₹12,250 per quintal. Demand in this region remained stable, leading to minimal fluctuations in prices.

Arhar Dal Prices in Lucknow Mandi: Lucknow mandi saw a total arrival of 30 tons of Arhar Dal today. The minimum price stood at ₹12,850 per quintal, while the maximum price reached ₹13,060 per quintal. The model price was recorded at ₹12,950 per quintal. Prices remained higher in this mandi compared to others due to better-quality produce.

Arhar Dal Prices in Varanasi Mandi: Varanasi mandi recorded a total arrival of 50 tons of Arhar Dal. The minimum price in the market was ₹11,800 per quintal, while the maximum price touched ₹11,985 per quintal. The model price was ₹11,900 per quintal. Lower prices in this mandi attracted strong interest from buyers.

Arhar Dal Prices in Raebareli Mandi: Raebareli mandi, the total arrival of Arhar Dal was 1.8 tons. The minimum price recorded was ₹11,925 per quintal, and the maximum price stood at ₹11,975 per quintal. The model price for the day was ₹11,950 per quintal.

Arhar Dal Prices in Etawah Mandi: Etawah mandi witnessed a total arrival of 18 tons of Arhar Dal today. The minimum price was recorded at ₹11,800 per quintal, while the maximum price reached ₹12,200 per quintal. The model price stood at ₹12,000 per quintal. Due to the availability of medium-quality produce, prices in this mandi remained slightly lower than others.

Where to Sell Arhar Dal for Maximum Profit?

If you are selling high-quality Arhar Dal, mandis like Lucknow and Gorakhpur could offer you better prices and higher profits. On the other hand, if you prefer stable prices, Azamgarh mandi could be a good option.
Farmers who are not in a hurry to sell can consider waiting for a few days, as prices in mandis like Varanasi may rise in the coming days.

Market Advice for Farmers: To get the best price for your produce, stay updated with the latest mandi rates and make selling decisions based on market trends. Demand and supply fluctuations directly impact prices, so choosing the right time and place to sell can help maximize your earnings.

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