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Arhar Dal (Tur Dal) Rate Today (27 May 2024) in Madhya Pradesh

Arhar Dal Market Price
Arhar Dal Market Price

In today post, we will provide information on the prices of Arhar Dal (tur dal) in various markets across Madhya Pradesh as of May 27, 2024. This includes the markets in Katni, Banda, Mandla, and Umaria. Let's find out the current rates in each market.

Arhar Dal Market Price Today in Katni:

Katni, 24.86 tons of Arhar Dal arrived today. The minimum, maximum, and modal prices are all the same, set at ₹11,211 per quintal.

Arhar Dal Market Price Today in Banda:

Banda Market, 23.5 tons of Arhar Dal arrived today. The minimum price is ₹9,790 per quintal, the maximum price is ₹10,250 per quintal, and the modal price is ₹10,150 per quintal.

Arhar Dal Rate Today in Mandla: Mandla, 3 tons of Arhar Dal arrived today. The minimum, maximum, and modal prices are all the same, set at ₹9,201 per quintal. Prices in Mandla are lower compared to other markets.

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Arhar Dal Rate Today in Umaria: Umaria, 2.3 tons of Arhar Dal arrived. The minimum, maximum, and modal prices are all the same, set at ₹8,500 per quintal. Prices in Umaria are the lowest among the markets.

Conclusion: The Arhar Dal price in different markets in Madhya Pradesh will vary on May 27, 2024. Katni has the highest prices, while Umaria has the lowest. The prices in Mandla and Banda are stable at their respective levels. This information is crucial for farmers and traders to make informed business decisions.

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