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Chief Minister's farmers security scheme, Now stray animals won't cause damage to crops

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Field Security Scheme
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Field Security Scheme

Under the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's Field Security Scheme, beneficiaries will receive a grant of Rs. 1.43 lakh for solar fencing with a 12-volt current or 60% of the per-hectare cost.

Objective of the Chief Minister's Field Security Scheme:

Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister Mr. Suresh Kumar Khanna presented the 2024-25 budget in the state assembly, proposing several welfare schemes aimed at enhancing facilities for the state's citizens. His address highlighted the agricultural sector, emphasizing the damage caused to farmers' crops by wild animals like nilgai, monkeys, and wild boars. These animals annually inflict significant losses on farmers in border areas, necessitating night-time vigilance to protect crops. In response, the state government is launching this initiative.

60% Subsidy on Per-Hectare Cost for Farmers:

Under the Chief Minister's Field Security Scheme, the government will provide grants to farmers for installing solar-powered fences around their fields. These fences will emit a current exceeding 12 volts, delivering a harmless shock and emitting a loud noise to deter wild animals from damaging crops. The Uttar Pradesh government has allocated Rs. 50 crore for this scheme. Beneficiary farmers will receive either 60% of the per-hectare cost or a total grant of Rs. 1.43 lakh.

Benefits of the Chief Minister's Field Security Scheme for Farmers:

Farmers in Uttar Pradesh will benefit from a 60% subsidy on the per-hectare cost of installing solar-powered fences, aiding effective crop protection and contributing to an anticipated 5.1% growth in the state's agricultural sector. The application process for the scheme will soon be announced by the department.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The scheme is exclusively for farmers in Uttar Pradesh.
  2. Beneficiaries must belong to small or marginal farming areas.

Required Documents:

  1. Aadhaar Card
  2. Residence Certificate
  3. Income Certificate
  4. Land-related documents
  5. Farmer Card
  6. Bank-related documents
  7. Mobile Number

Application Process:

  1. The Agriculture Department will prepare a draft for approval by the state cabinet.
  2. Following cabinet approval, farmers can apply online or offline.
  3. Specific application procedures will be notified by the Uttar Pradesh government.
  4. Online applications require uploading all necessary information and documents, while offline applications involve completing forms and submitting them with required documents to department offices.

Note: The complete application process for the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Field Security Scheme will be updated upon availability.

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