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Cotton Acreage in India Expected to Decrease This Season, Impact on Punjab and Rajasthan

Cotton Acreage in India Expected to Decrease This Season, Impact on Punjab and Rajasthan
cotton cultivation

According to sources, cotton acreage in India is expected to decrease this season, particularly in Punjab and Rajasthan. These states faced a labor shortage last year, which impacted cotton cultivation. Consequently, many farmers in Punjab are considering switching to other crops, leading to a potential decline in cotton production.

Farmers Opting for Alternative Crops:

Farmers report that the costs associated with cotton farming are not adequately compensated by the Minimum Support Price (MSP) or market prices. Due to the labor shortage, many farmers are contemplating a shift to other crops. This trend is noticeable in Punjab, Rajasthan, and Gujarat, where numerous farmers are showing a lack of interest in cotton cultivation this year.

Decline in Cotton Acreage in Certain States:

A recent report suggests that some farmers in Telangana are planning to use high-density farming techniques for cotton cultivation. However, sources indicate that labor shortages may lead to a reduction in cotton acreage, especially in Punjab and Rajasthan.

Labor Shortage: During the Kharif season, most farmers prefer to cultivate paddy, resulting in a scarcity of labor for cotton farming. Additionally, the infestation of pink bollworm has become a significant issue, reducing cotton yields and further discouraging farmers from cultivating cotton.

Cotton Production in India: Cotton production is a cornerstone of both the agricultural and industrial sectors in India, providing employment to approximately 40-50 million people in processing and trade. Cotton plays a crucial role in the textile industry, driving the economy by serving as the primary raw material. Robust cotton farming in India not only sustains livelihoods but also promotes the growth of textile manufacturing, reinforcing India’s position as a global cotton powerhouse.

Importance of Cotton: Cotton is the primary source for the textile industry, accounting for two-thirds of India's total textile fiber consumption. It also produces cottonseed oil, used in cooking and as feed for livestock and poultry. As India's most important commercial crop, cotton contributes about 25% to global cotton production.

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