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Cold wave in Haryana and North India: Farmers concerned over crop damage as temperatures Drop

Farmers troubled by cold wave
Farmers troubled by cold wave

A severe cold wave has been affecting Haryana and other parts of North India since Wednesday, with the Meteorological Department predicting that these conditions are likely to persist in the coming days. In several areas of Haryana, the minimum temperature has dropped below 2°C, leading to growing concerns among farmers.
The rapid drop in temperature has put crops such as potatoes, mustard, and winter vegetables at increased risk of frost damage. Experts state that while the cold is beneficial for wheat crops, it poses a significant threat to other crops. The cold wave has heightened the risk of frost, which can severely damage vegetables and mustard crops. However, as the cold wave is still in its early stages, farmers need to wait for a few more days to assess its full impact on crops.

Sudden Temperature Drop and Its Impact:

The sudden drop in temperature is likely to harm vegetables, mustard, and sugarcane crops. Farmers have been advised to carry out light irrigation to mitigate the effects of frost and protect their crops. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Haryana's average minimum temperature has decreased by 1.5°C compared to Tuesday and is now 3.4°C below normal. The lowest temperature of 1.5°C was recorded in Balsamand, Hisar, and Sonipat. Other major cities saw the following minimum temperatures: Ambala 7.7°C, Hisar 3.3°C, Karnal 4.8°C, Bhiwani 3.8°C, Mahendergarh 1.9°C, Sirsa 3.7°C, Fatehabad 8.2°C, and Gurugram 6.2°C.

Measures to Protect Crops from Frost:

The most important measure to protect crops from frost is irrigation. However, it is crucial that farmers do not over-irrigate, as excess water can lead to waterlogging and increase the risk of crop decay. Another method is to create smoke around the fields, which helps reduce humidity in the air and prevents frost from settling on crops. If frost impact is severe, farmers can apply mulch over the crops to shield them from frost. Additionally, protective chemicals can be sprayed on crops to reduce frost damage. While the situation is not yet critical, as the cold wave is still in its early stages, farmers need to stay vigilant and monitor the weather closely.

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