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Essential Agricultural Practices to Enhance Crop Quality and Yield

The harvesting of wheat, a major Rabi season crop, has been completed in many regions, while in some areas, the process is still underway. To ensure the production of high-quality seeds, it is crucial to remove unwanted plant species such as weeds, wild oats, and gulli-danda from wheat fields using the roguing process.

How to Perform the Rouging Process?

Identify and remove plants that differ from the main variety based on their height, leaf texture, earhead size, and presence of surface hairs. This ensures the purity of the seeds and improves overall yield.

Fertilizer Application for Late-Sown Wheat: If the wheat crop was sown late and the earheads are at the milky stage, spray 2.5 kg of NPK (0:52:34) mixed with 500–600 liters of water. This will provide essential nutrients and support proper grain development.

Protection against Yellow Mosaic Virus in Pulses:

To prevent Yellow Mosaic Virus in moong (green gram) and urad (black gram) crops, seed treatment is necessary before sowing. Use: Thiamethoxam 30 FS – 10 ml per kg of seeds and Imidacloprid 48 FS – 1.25 ml per kg of seeds. This treatment helps protect the crops from diseases and ensures better productivity.

Control of Sap-Sucking Pests in Vegetables:

Crops like tomato, brinjal (eggplant), and chili are vulnerable to sap-sucking pests, including aphids, leafhoppers, and whiteflies, which cause leaf curl disease. To control them:

  1. Use Thiamethoxam 25 WG – 125 g per hectare
  2. Use Fipronil 5% SC – 250 ml per hectare
  3. Use Soluble Sulfur 80% WP – 750 g per hectare

Mix these pesticides in 500–600 liters of water and spray for effective pest management.

Pest Control in Cruciferous Vegetables: Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables, Diamondback Moth infestation can severely impact yields. To control this pest: Use Indoxacarb 15.8 EC – 0.5 ml per liter of water and use Novaluron 10 EC – 0.5 ml per liter of water. For organic farming, spray 3–5 ml of neem oil per liter of water as a natural pest repellent.

Why is a Farmer ID card Important: To avail benefits of government schemes like PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi and Crop Insurance, it is essential to have a Farmer Registry Card. The Central Government is digitizing farmer records to streamline these benefits.

How to Register for a Farmer ID: Registration camps are being organized at the village panchayat level. Farmers can contact patwaris (village revenue officers) or village employment assistants to apply for the Farmer ID card.

Required Documents for Registration:

  1. Aadhaar Card
  2. Samagra ID (for select states)
  3. Bank Passbook
  4. Mobile Number
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