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Essential Summer Care Tips for Lemon Plants to Achieve High-Quality Yield

Lemon Farming in Summer
Lemon Farming in Summer

Summer is a crucial season for lemon cultivation, as proper management of flowering, fertilization, irrigation, and pest control plays a significant role in improving both yield and quality. By following scientific farming techniques, farmers can maximize their lemon crop's potential.

Key Agricultural Practices for Lemon Farming in Summer:

1. Flowering and Growth Management:

  1. During summer, lemon plants develop new shoots and begin flowering.
  2. Prune old and dry branches to allow proper light penetration and air circulation.
  3. Provide balanced nutrition to promote flowering and healthy fruit development.
  4. New growth is more susceptible to pests and diseases, so preventive measures should be taken on time.

2. Fertilization and Nutrient Management:

  1. Providing essential nutrients in summer boosts plant growth and fruit production.
  2. Apply 200-250g nitrogen, 100-150g phosphorus, and 150-200g potassium per plant.
  3. Spraying calcium nitrate or potassium nitrate enhances flower and fruit quality.
  4. Use 10-15 kg of organic manure or vermicompost per plant.
  5. Incorporate bio-fertilizers like Azotobacter and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria to improve soil fertility.

3. Irrigation Management:

  1. Rising temperatures increase soil moisture loss, making irrigation essential.
  2. If there is no rainfall, apply light irrigation every 10-15 days.
  3. Adopting drip irrigation helps conserve water and maintains soil moisture at the root level.
  4. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so irrigation should be done based on plant needs.

4. Pest and Disease Control:

  1. Citrus Leaf Miner – Damages leaves by creating tunnels. Control it using neem oil (1500 PPM) or Dimethoate (0.05%) spray.
  2. Citrus Psylla – Sucks sap from leaves and branches, weakening the plant. Use Imidacloprid 17.8 SL (0.05%) spray.
  3. Anthracnose (Colletotrichum Fungus) – Causes black spots on leaves and fruits. Control it with Copper Oxychloride (0.3%) or Carbendazim (0.1%) spray.
  4. Gummosis (Gum Disease) – Leads to gum secretion from the trunk. Treat by applying Bordeaux paste and spraying Copper Oxychloride on affected areas.

5. Orchard Monitoring and Weed Control:

  1. Mulching with dry grass, straw, or black polythene helps retain moisture and prevents weed growth.
  2. Use glyphosate in controlled quantities to manage weeds.
  3. Regular irrigation and nutrient management prevent fruit drop.
  4. Frequent monitoring of the orchard helps detect pests and diseases early, allowing timely intervention.
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