After harvesting wheat, farmers turn to cultivating summer moong and urad in their fields during the hot season. To cut costs, farmers can opt for using a super seeder machine for sowing. For this purpose, the Agriculture Department is arranging a demonstration for direct sowing of moong using a super seeder machine.
The super seeder machine cuts through the soil, pressing the seeds underneath while simultaneously incorporating the residue, thus forming fertilizer. This improves soil fertility and boosts yields. The fertilizer derived from residue enhances the soil's water retention capacity. Using the super seeder machine reduces the quantity of seeds needed for sowing and ensures optimal germination. The super seeder machine is a versatile device that performs multiple tasks simultaneously. It handles sowing, tilling, mulching, and fertilizing all at once. Employing the super seeder machine saves both time and money.
The super seeder is a tool utilized for sowing wheat and various other crops. It enables direct sowing of wheat without the necessity of removing stubble from the fields. Often, farmers burn the leftover stubble in the fields, deeming it as waste, which not only leads to pollution but also inflicts considerable harm to the fields. However, with the super seeder machine, the stubble is pressed into the soil and converts into fertilizer, fostering the growth of the succeeding crop while decreasing expenses related to fertilizers.
Numerous farmers in the region are renting and making use of these machines. With the utilization of the super seeder machine during the peak season, sowing of moong has already been accomplished on nearly 2 thousand acres without the requirement of burning stubble. As per Agricultural Development Officer Shreekant Yadav, the cost of the super seeder machine ranges from approximately 2 to 3 lakh rupees. The Agricultural Engineering Department is extending subsidies of up to 50 percent to farmers for the procurement of these machines.