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Garlic market price today in Punjab on (23 September 2024)

Garlic price
Garlic price

Are you curious about the current garlic prices in Punjab's mandis today? If yes, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will explore how garlic prices are fluctuating in various mandis of Punjab and the possible reasons behind these changes.

Current Garlic price in Punjab:

Bassi Pathana: Today garlic arrival in the Bassi Pathana mandi was approximately 0.1 tons. The prices ranged from ₹20,000 to ₹22,000 per quintal, with a modal price of ₹21,000 per quintal.

Chamakaur Sahib: The garlic arrival in Chamakaur Sahib was 0.3 tons today. The average price here fluctuated between ₹13,900 and ₹14,000 per quintal, with a modal price of ₹13,950 per quintal.

Doraha: In the Doraha mandi, garlic arrival was quite low at only 0.01 tons. The price remained stable at ₹20,000 per quintal.

Garh Shankar: The garlic arrival in the Garh Shankar mandi today was 2 tons. Prices ranged from ₹24,000 to ₹28,000 per quintal, with a modal price of ₹25,000 per quintal. Due to the high arrival, there was more price variability compared to other mandis.

Gurdaspur: The garlic arrival in Gurdaspur was 0.07 tons. Prices ranged from ₹22,000 to ₹24,000 per quintal, with a modal price of ₹23,000 per quintal.

Conclusion: Garlic prices change daily, depending on mandi conditions, crop quality, and demand. On September 23, 2024, garlic prices in Punjab's mandis were slightly above average, particularly in the Garh Shankar and Gurdaspur mandis. Farmers are advised to keep a close eye on mandi prices and sell their produce at the right time.

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