On July 10, 2024, Rajasthan’s Finance Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, Smt. Diya Kumari, presented the supplementary budget. Among the various welfare schemes announced, one of the key initiatives aimed at the welfare of farmers is the Govardhan Jaivik Urvarak Yojana. This scheme, to be implemented by the Agricultural Department of the Rajasthan Government, will provide all eligible farmers with a one-time financial assistance of ₹10,000.
The primary goal of this scheme is to promote organic farming across the state by encouraging farmers to produce organic manure or fertilizer from their livestock waste. The Rajasthan government will financially support farmers who intend to produce organic manure from animal waste. Under this scheme, 50 farmers from each village block will be selected to receive financial assistance for producing organic manure.
How to Apply: The Rajasthan government has announced the Govardhan Jaivik Urvarak Yojana for farmers, with official guidelines to be released soon. Applications can be submitted online through the official website (https://agriculture.rajasthan.gov.in/agriculture/#/home/dptHome/5), or possibly through offline forms. Farmers will need to wait a bit longer to access the ₹10,000 assistance for producing organic manure or fertilizer.