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Integrated Monitoring System to Prevent Irregularities in Paddy and Wheat Procurement, Orders Issued for Rice Milling Quality Inspection

Now there will be no rigging in wheat and paddy procurement
Now there will be no rigging in wheat and paddy procurement

Food Minister Directs Officials to Ensure Transparency in Procurement, Transportation, and Storage Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Minister Shri Govind Singh Rajput has instructed officials to develop an integrated monitoring system to ensure transparency in the procurement, transportation, and storage of paddy and wheat at the earliest.

Establishment of Centralized Control Command Center:

Minister Rajput has directed the Additional Chief Secretary (Food) and the Commissioner (Food) to mandate GPS tracking systems in vehicles transporting paddy and rice for milling and to ensure their effective monitoring. A centralized Control Command Center will be set up at the headquarters level. This system will allow officials from the Food Department, Civil Supplies Corporation, and Warehousing Corporation to access real-time information on the storage, transportation, and milling of procured paddy, wheat, and rice with a single click.

Strict measures to prevent irregularities in procurement and storage:

Addressing the State Assembly, Minister Rajput assured that an integrated system would be developed to prevent irregularities in procurement, transportation, and storage, and strict action would be taken against offenders. He further stated that punitive action against committees involved in fraudulent activities would continue with the support of the Cooperative Department. The Minister also emphasized that strict action would be taken against computer operators found guilty of irregularities in various districts.

Random Quality Checks on Custom Milled Rice Ordered:

Paddy procurement for the Kharif Season 2024-25 is currently undergoing the milling process at various mills. Minister Rajput has directed the Managing Director of the Civil Supplies Corporation to form a special task force at the headquarters level to conduct random quality inspections of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) to ensure compliance with government-mandated quality standards.

Three-Member Committee Formed for Rice Milling Quality Inspection:

To ensure the quality of rice after paddy milling, the Civil Supplies Corporation has constituted a three-member inspection committee. This team includes: Assistant General Manager (Procurement), Assistant General Manager (Quality Inspection), Quality Controller (Headquarters).

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