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No Price Support or Subsidy Scheme for Dairy Farmers in India – DAHD

No Price Support or Subsidy Scheme for Dairy Farmers in India
No Price Support or Subsidy Scheme for Dairy Farmers in India

The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD) has no plans to introduce a price support scheme or subsidies for dairy farmers, as it does not regulate the procurement and sale prices of milk in the country. Milk prices are determined by cooperative and private dairies based on production costs and market demand. In the dairy cooperative sector, around 70-80% of the consumer rupee is returned to milk-producing farmers.

Contribution of the Dairy Sector to the Agricultural Economy:

The dairy sector contributes over 5% to India's agricultural economy. Milk and dairy products account for a significant share of the livestock sub-sector, with the total value of milk production reaching ₹11.16 lakh crore in 2022-23, surpassing the total value of food grain production.

Government Schemes for Dairy Development:

To boost milk production and dairy infrastructure, DAHD is implementing various schemes nationwide:

  1. National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD)
  2. Supporting Dairy Cooperatives & Farmer Producer Organisations (SDCFPO)
  3. Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)
  4. Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)
  5. National Livestock Mission (NLM)
  6. Animal Health and Disease Management Program (AHDMP)

Impact on Dairy Farming:

These schemes help improve milk productivity, strengthen dairy infrastructure, enhance the availability of feed and fodder, and provide animal healthcare services. They aim to lower milk production costs, ensure a structured market, and increase dairy farmers’ income.

Expansion of Dairy Cooperatives: NPDD, 23,516 dairy cooperative societies have been established or strengthened. Additionally, DAHD and the Ministry of Cooperation are jointly implementing "White Revolution 2.0," with the goal of setting up 75,000 new dairy cooperatives across India over the next five years through the NPDD scheme.

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