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Government Initiatives to Address the Decline in Organic Carbon in Soil

Soil Health
Soil Health

To date, a total of 24.84 crore Soil Health Cards (SHCs) have been issued across the country. These SHCs provide farmers with critical information about their soil, including pH, electrical conductivity, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and micronutrients (zinc, copper, iron, manganese, and boron), along with the status of organic carbon.

Farmers receive guidance on Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), which helps them adopt a balanced approach to fertilizer usage. This includes the judicious application of chemical fertilizers, incorporation of organic manures, and use of bio-fertilizers, ultimately enhancing organic carbon levels, replenishing essential nutrients, and maintaining soil fertility.

Training and Awareness Programs for Soil Health Improvement:

To ensure farmers understand and implement SHC recommendations effectively, large-scale demonstrations, training sessions, and farmer fairs have been organized- Over 7 lakh demonstrations have been conducted. 93,781 farmer training programs have been held. 7,425 farmer fairs have taken place.

Support from Agricultural Institutions:

The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) and Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) are actively engaged in providing essential guidance to farmers. Additionally, 70,002 Krishi Sakhis have been specially trained to assist farmers in understanding Soil Health Cards and adopting best agricultural practices.

Promoting Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture:

The government is actively encouraging organic farming through the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY). This initiative provides comprehensive support to organic farmers, covering everything from production and processing to certification and marketing, following a cluster-based approach.
The scheme prioritizes small and marginal farmers, helping them establish a robust supply chain. Financial assistance is provided for on-farm and off-farm organic inputs, thereby fostering sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Ensuring Long-Term Soil Fertility: To maintain soil fertility and combat the decline in organic carbon, the government has introduced several significant initiatives, including: Soil Health Card Scheme, Promotion of organic farming, Nutrient management programs and Farmer training and awareness programs. These efforts play a crucial role in enhancing soil quality, promoting sustainable farming, and ultimately increasing farmers’ incomes.

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