According to the weather department, most parts of Madhya Pradesh will experience bright sunshine on Tuesday, October 8. The intense heat and humidity could cause discomfort to residents across the state. However, light rainfall is expected in parts of Jabalpur, Rewa, and Shahdol divisions due to a low-pressure area and cyclonic circulation.
The monsoon has officially withdrawn from 34 districts, including Bhopal, Indore weather, and Gwalior. These regions have been experiencing dry and sunny conditions for several days. Meanwhile, parts of the Rewa, Jabalpur, and Shahdol divisions continue to experience cloud cover and light rainfall. The withdrawal of the monsoon in eastern Madhya Pradesh is being delayed due to the influence of the low-pressure system and cyclonic circulation.
On Monday, Gwalior registered the highest temperature in the state, reaching 35.6°C. Other significant temperatures include Guna at 35.4°C, Ratlam at 35°C, and Nowgong in Chhatarpur district at 35.2°C. Ujjain recorded 34.5°C, Indore 33.8°C, Bhopal 33.1°C, and Jabalpur 32.6°C.
Read More... Rain in some places, heat in others, know what the weather will be like in your state