According to the latest IMD forecast, Karnataka, Kerala, and parts of Lakshadweep can expect light to moderate rain today, with heavy downpours possible in some areas. Light to moderate rain is also anticipated in Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, the Northeastern states, and Tamil Nadu. Additionally, the Western Himalayas, Bihar weather, and eastern Madhya Pradesh may experience light showers. The weather department has issued rain alerts across multiple states, urging everyone to stay prepared.
The weather in Delhi is set to take a turn today. After days of intense sunshine, cloud cover is expected, and light drizzles may occur in some parts of the NCR region. Temperatures will range from a high of 36°C to a low of 23°C, though many areas are likely to remain dry. A break from the heat is expected soon.
Mumbai will see mostly clear skies today, but clouds may roll in by evening or night. The maximum temperature will hover around 34°C, while the minimum will dip to 26°C. With cool breezes in the air, the weather is expected to stay pleasant.
Bihar's capital, Patna, the IMD predicts cloudy skies with the possibility of rain or even a dust storm. Rain may continue for the next two days in Patna, with showers likely in nearby areas like Begusarai, Bodh Gaya, Gaya, Muzaffarpur, Bhagalpur, and Nalanda as well. Whether you're in Delhi, Mumbai, or Patna, plan your day around the weather and stay alert.
Read More... monsoon has retreated, heat is setting in, temperature rising in these states