The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has announced a heavy rainfall warning for multiple cities in Madhya Pradesh. According to the weather department, a low-pressure area has developed over southeast Madhya Pradesh and its surrounding regions, accompanied by cyclonic circulation extending up to middle tropospheric levels and tilting southwestwards with height. This weather system is expected to bring significant rainfall to many parts of India over the next few days.
On July 17, certain areas in Madhya Pradesh are under a heavy rainfall alert. Cities including Jabalpur, Chhindwara, Balaghat, Mandla, Burhanpur, and Betul are likely to experience heavy rains. Yesterday, on July 16, heavy rainfall was recorded in Betul, Harda in western Madhya Pradesh, and Chhindwara, Damoh, and Seoni in eastern Madhya Pradesh, resulting in humid weather in many other areas.
Bhopal: The capital city of Bhopal is expected to witness rain and thunderstorms with strong winds on July 17. The maximum and minimum temperatures are anticipated to be 32°C and 25°C, respectively. Notably, Bhopal experienced heavy rainfall yesterday evening, and the humidity remains high.
Read More... Delhi Weather: Heavy rain alert in West and South India, possibility of cloudy weather in Delhi
Indore: IMD predicts light to moderate rainfall in Indore today. The maximum temperature is expected to be around 32°C, while the minimum temperature may hover around 26°C.
The IMD forecasts heavy rainfall in Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, and Chhattisgarh from July 17 to 21. Residents in these regions are advised to stay informed about the weather conditions and take necessary precautions to ensure safety during this period.