Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently launched three new advanced lentil varieties, which are designed to provide high yields and greater economic benefits. These new varieties will offer Indian farmers improved productivity, even in challenging weather conditions. With these advanced varieties, farmers can enhance both their yield and income, while also benefiting from increased disease resistance, ensuring better crop quality. Let’s explore the unique features, yields, and benefits of these lentil varieties.
Pant Lentil 14 (PL 320) is an advanced variety developed by GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. This variety is certified by ICAR-AICRP on Pulses and is suitable for cultivation in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, North-West and Central Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh, the plains of Uttarakhand, and Jammu & Kashmir. It is designed for timely sown rainfed and irrigated conditions during the Rabi season. This variety has an average yield of 15.55 quintals per hectare and matures in 128 days. Its seeds contain 25.72% protein. It is resistant to rust, Stemphyllium blight, and wilt, and moderately resistant to pod borer and aphids, making it a highly beneficial option for farmers.
Developed by Agricultural University, Kota, Rajasthan, Kota Lentil 6 is well-suited for the North-Western Plains and Central Zone of India. This variety is specially designed for rainfed normal sown conditions during the Rabi season. It has an average yield of 17.37 quintals per hectare in the North-Western Plain Zone (NWPZ) and 16 quintals per hectare in the Central Zone (CZ). The crop matures in 125 days in NWPZ and 111 days in CZ. Its seeds contain 21.07% protein, and it is moderately resistant to rust and wilt, providing farmers with a reliable and high-yielding option.
PSL-17 is an open-pollinated lentil variety developed by the Division of Genetics, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. This variety is specifically suited for the National Capital Region of Delhi, particularly in saline conditions. PSL-17 has an average seed yield of 12.95 quintals per hectare and matures in 125 days. Its seeds are rich in iron (67.0 ppm), zinc (41 ppm), and protein (28.8%). Additionally, this variety offers moderate resistance to both wilt and rust, making it an ideal choice for farmers dealing with saline soils.