The 12th installment of PM Kisan (PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 12th Installment) is about to come for the farmers. It is important information for the farmers who are waiting for the installment. The central government can soon distribute the funds to over 12 crore farmers who are waiting for the installment. However, those beneficiaries who have not completed the e-KYC process may face difficulties in receiving the money this time.
Last year, in 2021, the installment of PM Kisan Nidhi was released on August 9th, but even after today's date of September 20th, there is no update on it. Actually, due to the government's strictness this time, the names of lakhs of fake beneficiary farmers have been removed. After receiving complaints of fraudulent claims in the scheme, the government has made PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana e-KYC mandatory. For this, farmers are still being given the facility to complete e-KYC on the PM Kisan portal, and the state government is also conducting physical verification of beneficiaries in every village. It is said that due to this, there is a delay in receiving the 12th installment. Before the arrival of the 12th installment, it is advisable to check once whether your name is on the new list of PM Kisan beneficiaries or not.
You can easily check through this simple process while sitting at home. Go to the PM Kisan portal Look for the menu bar on the home page. Go to 'Farmer Corner' here. Click/Tap on Beneficiary List. A page will open on your screen. Select your state from the drop-down menu in the first tab. Then select the district in the second tab, tehsil or sub-district in the third tab, block in the fourth tab, and the name of your village in the fifth tab. After that, as soon as you click on Get Report, the complete list of the village will appear in front of you.