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Kabuli chana price today (10 May 2024) in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh

Kabuli chana price today
Kabuli chana price today

Kabuli Chana, commonly known as chickpeas, plays a vital role in our diet as a major nutritious food item. Today, we bring you information about the prices of Kabuli Chana in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Let's delve into today's Kabul Chana prices.

Kabuli chana price today In Gujarat: 

Kabuli chana price today in Dhragradhra: The Dhragradhra market of Gujarat, today's arrival of 0.6 tons of Kabuli variety chickpeas is recorded. The minimum, maximum, and modal prices are all equal at Rs 5810/quintal.

Kabuli chana price today in Porbandar: The Porbandar market, 2 tons of Kabuli Chana are available today, priced between Rs 7200/quintal to Rs 7475/quintal, with a modal price of Rs 7335/quintal.

Kabuli chana price today in Rajula: The Rajula market, today's arrival is 0.9 tons of Kabuli Chana, priced between Rs 4500/quintal to Rs 6300/quintal, with a modal price of Rs 5400/quintal.

Kabuli chana price today in Madhya Pradesh:

Kabuli chana price today in Indore: A significant quantity of 395.85 tons of Dollar Gram - Organic variety has arrived in the Indore market. The minimum and maximum prices here are equal, standing at Rs 9790/quintal, with a modal price of Rs 9300/quintal.

Kabuli chana price today in In Uttar Pradesh:

Kabuli chana price today in Muradabad: The Muradabad market, 3 tons of Kabuli Small variety Chana are available today, priced between Rs 6420/quintal to Rs 6480/quintal, with a modal price of Rs 6450/quintal.

Conclusion: We have provided information on Kabuli Chana price in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. This information is crucial for those involved in the trade of this crop."

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