Under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 2024, operated by Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited with the collaboration of the Government of India and the Government of Madhya Pradesh, farmers can insure their crops for the Kharif season. The main objective of this scheme is to protect farmers from losses caused by natural disasters.
Several major crops have been notified for the Kharif season under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. These include Paddy (irrigated and unirrigated), Soybean, Maize, Pearl Millet, Pigeon Pea/Arhar, Sorghum, Kodo-Kutki, Groundnut, Sesame, Cotton, Moong, and Urd. By insuring these crops, farmers can safeguard their crop production.
The registration deadline for this scheme has been extended to August 16, 2024. This is a crucial opportunity for farmers to insure their Kharif crops as soon as possible and take advantage of this scheme.
Premium Rate and Insured Amount: This scheme, the farmer is required to pay only 2% of the insured amount as a premium. This rate is determined by the government to ensure that farmers are not burdened financially and can easily benefit from this scheme.
Conclusion: The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 2024 for the Kharif season is an important initiative that provides necessary protection to farmers against natural disasters. The registration deadline has been extended, allowing more farmers to benefit from the scheme. Therefore, farmers are encouraged to insure their crops as soon as possible and secure protection through this scheme.