The state government of Rajasthan has launched the 'Kisan Kaleva Yojana' to provide affordable and nutritious meals to farmers who travel from remote areas to sell their produce at the market. Under this scheme, eligible beneficiaries will receive meals directly within the market premises. Although the actual cost of each meal is ₹40, the state government and the market committee will subsidize ₹35 per meal. As a result, beneficiaries will only need to pay ₹5 per meal. The scheme will be available in the markets listed by the government, and eligible farmers can apply for the Kisan Kaleva Yojana online.
The main objective of this scheme is to provide nutritious meals at subsidized rates to farmers and registered laborers (Hamals/Palledars/Tularas) working in the market. Beneficiaries will be able to purchase a meal for just ₹5 within the market premises. Thousands of farmers and laborers have already benefited from this scheme. The market committee will distribute coupons to all beneficiaries, which can be used to receive meals.
Read More... Laadli Laxmi Yojana, Know the Eligibility, Documents, and Application Process
The state government aims to provide nutritious meals at subsidized rates to Hamals, Palledars, Tularas, and farmers within the market through the Kisan Kaleva Yojana.
Beneficiaries will be able to purchase a meal for just ₹5 within the market.
Application Process for the Kisan Kaleva Yojana: