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The Crucial Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Empowering Farmers

Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Krishi Vigyan Kendra

The government is making consistent efforts to enhance the infrastructure of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) across the country to provide better services to farmers. Last year, a budget allocation of ₹7730.76 lakh was made for infrastructure upgrades, including administrative buildings, farmers' hostels, demonstration units, and farm development initiatives.

Special Monitoring for Krishi Vigyan Kendras:

The government has developed a robust monitoring and review system to establish KVKs as effective and dynamic institutions for technology transfer at the district level. The monitoring and review processes are conducted at the national, regional, university and district levels by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes (ATARIs) agricultural universities, and the Scientific Advisory Committees of individual KVKs.

KVKs Elevating Farmers to New Heights:

The performance and operations of KVKs are periodically reviewed by the government through Quinquennial Review Teams and third-party evaluations. Recent reviews conducted by the International Food Policy Research Institute (2019) and the Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals (2020) highlighted several achievements:
KVKs’ initiatives contributed to an additional net farm income of ₹5752 per hectare.

  • The cost-benefit ratio for investments in KVKs stood at 1:11.78.
  • A farmer trained by a KVK disseminated knowledge or technology to approximately 30 other farmers.
  • Increased outreach, higher participation of women in training programs, and improved seed production and planting material.

1.32 Lakh Technology Assessments and 8.69 Lakh Demonstrations for Farmers: KVKs operate under various entities, including state governments, ICAR, NGOs, and agricultural universities, managing 38, 66, 101, and 509 KVKs, respectively. Technologies developed by ICAR are tested by KVKs in farmers' fields to evaluate their location-specific applicability across different farming systems. Additionally, KVKs organize large-scale demonstrations to encourage the adoption of these technologies. Over the past three years, KVKs have conducted 1.32 lakh technology trials and 8.69 lakh demonstrations on crops, livestock, fisheries, farm machinery, and other enterprises at farmers' fields.

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