The Modi government has taken another significant step towards women empowerment. On December 9, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana with the goal of making women financially strong. Women who join this initiative will be recognized as “Bima Sakhi.” Under this scheme, women between the ages of 18 and 70 will be provided special training, along with a stipend for three years. We will explain in detail what the LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana is, how to apply, and when and how much financial assistance women will receive. Let’s learn more about this new initiative.
The LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana is designed to make women self-reliant and provide career opportunities in the insurance sector. Women between the ages of 18 and 70 will be eligible for this scheme, with a special focus on women who have passed at least the 10th grade.
This scheme, women will be introduced to all aspects of insurance, including its need, process, and benefits.
A Golden Opportunity to Become an LIC Agent: After completing three years of training, women will be eligible to work as LIC agents. Women with higher education (such as a BA degree) will also be eligible to become Development Officers.
To qualify for this scheme, women must fulfill the following criteria:
Women selected for the scheme will receive specialized training on all aspects of insurance, including product knowledge, procedures, and customer handling.
Stipend During Training: A total of 2 lakh women will be appointed as Bima Sakhi under this scheme.
Online Application Process
Offline Application:
You can also apply by visiting your nearest LIC office.
Other Important Details of the Scheme:
Timeline of the Scheme:
Conclusion: The LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana is a revolutionary step toward women's financial empowerment. It not only provides employment opportunities but also acts as a means to make women self-reliant and capable. If you meet the eligibility criteria, apply quickly and take advantage of this golden opportunity.
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