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Litchi market price today (05 July, 2024) in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab

Litchi Market Price in Himachal Pradesh
Litchi Market Price in Himachal Pradesh

Litchi, known for its unique taste and health benefits, remains highly popular. Each year sees an increase in demand, influencing market prices. we provide information about today's litchi prices in various markets in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab.

Litchi Market Price in Himachal Pradesh:

Chamba Market: Today, only 0.03 tons of litchis were available in the Chamba market. The minimum price is ₹10,000 per quintal, while the maximum price is ₹12,000 per quintal. The model price stands at ₹11,000 per quintal.

Kangra Market: The Kangra market received 0.5 tons of litchis today. The minimum price is ₹8,000 per quintal, and the maximum price is ₹10,000 per quintal. The model price is ₹9,000 per quintal.

Litchi Market Rate in Punjab:

Garh Shankar Market:Today, 0.3 tons of litchis arrived at the Garh Shankar market. The minimum price is ₹6,500 per quintal, and the maximum price is ₹7,500 per quintal. The model price is ₹7,000 per quintal.

Tanda Urmar Market: The Tanda Urmar market received 1 ton of litchis today. The minimum price is ₹8,000 per quintal, and the maximum price is ₹9,000 per quintal. The model price is ₹8,500 per quintal.

Conclusion: Litchi price vary across different markets in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. This information is crucial for farmers and traders to make informed business decisions.

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