The Madhya Pradesh government launched the Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2024 to offer financial support to girls born within the state. Launched on April 1, 2007, this scheme has been ongoing and has benefited thousands of girls since its inception.
The main goal of this initiative is to guarantee education and a secure future for girls. It encourages the birth of daughters and provides economic support to their families.
Benefits of the Scheme: To avail themselves of the benefits of the scheme, the parents of the girl child must be residents of Madhya Pradesh and not income taxpayers. Additionally, in the case of the second girl child, the family should have adopted family planning measures.
Required Documents:
How to Avail the Benefits: To receive the benefits of the scheme, the application form must be submitted to the project office along with all required documents. Once the application is approved, a certificate worth ₹1,18,000 will be issued in the name of the girl child.
Distribution of Funds: Under the scheme, ₹6,000 will be deposited annually in the name of the girl child for five years from the time of registration. Additionally, various amounts will be paid when the girl enters classes 6, 9, 11, and 12.
Final Payment: A final payment of Rs. 1 lakh will be made when the girl reaches 21 years of age and has appeared for the class 12th exam, provided that she is not married before the age of 18.
Terms and Conditions:
How to Apply for Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2024: State residents who wish to be part of the MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2024 can apply with the necessary documents directly through the Anganwadi worker, project office, or public service center. Additionally, the following steps can be followed:
Contact: If you face any difficulties while applying or have any questions, you can contact the Ladli Laxmi Yojana helpline number or seek assistance from the nearest Anganwadi center. This is how you can successfully apply for the Madhya Pradesh Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2024.
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