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Maize Prices Today in Madhya Pradesh (March 18, 2025) – Latest Mandi Rates

Maize Prices Today in Madhya Pradesh
Maize Prices Today in Madhya Pradesh

Farmer brothers, today the prices of maize in major mandis of Madhya Pradesh witnessed fluctuations. In some mandis, high-quality produce fetched good prices, allowing farmers to earn better profits. Meanwhile, prices remained stable in other areas. If you are planning to sell your maize crop, today’s mandi rates can help you make the right decision. Let’s take a look at which mandis in Madhya Pradesh offered the highest maize prices today and where you can get the most benefit by selling.

Maize Mandi Rates in Madhya Pradesh:

Maize Price in Indore Mandi: Indore mandi, 3.01 tons of local red maize arrived today. The minimum price recorded was ₹2205 per quintal and the maximum price was ₹2250 per quintal. The model price stood at ₹2205 per quintal. Despite the small quantity of arrivals, farmers received good prices here.

Maize Price in Guna Mandi:

Guna mandi recorded an arrival of 46.96 tons of local maize today. The minimum price was ₹2125 per quintal and the maximum was ₹2245 per quintal. The model price stood at ₹2180 per quintal. Due to moderate demand, prices remained stable compared to recent days.

Maize Price in Harda Mandi: Harda mandi, 11.29 tons of yellow maize arrived today. Prices ranged from ₹1711 per quintal (minimum) to ₹2070 per quintal (maximum). The model price was ₹2070 per quintal. Owing to good quality produce, maximum prices remained on the higher side here.

Maize Price in Harsud Mandi: Harsud mandi saw an arrival of 24.85 tons of yellow maize today. The minimum price recorded was ₹1850 per quintal and the maximum was ₹1920 per quintal. The model price stood at ₹1920 per quintal. Despite relatively low arrivals, prices remained stable.

Maize Price in Khandwa Mandi: Khandwa mandi had the highest arrival of 195.28 tons of local maize today. Prices ranged from ₹1730 per quintal (minimum) to ₹2151 per quintal (maximum), with a model price of ₹2053 per quintal. Despite high arrivals, high-quality maize fetched better prices here.

Maize Price in Khargone Mandi: Khargone mandi recorded an arrival of 197.28 tons of local maize today. Prices ranged from ₹1660 per quintal to ₹2266 per quintal. The model price stood at ₹2250 per quintal. Due to higher demand in this mandi, maximum prices remained better compared to other markets.

Which Mandi is Most Profitable for Selling Maize Today?

  1. If you have good quality maize, selling it in Khargone or Indore mandi may yield the highest profit.
  2. If arrivals are high and prices remain stable, waiting a few days might also be a wise choice.
  3. Always monitor market demand and prices closely and choose the right time and place to sell your produce for maximum gain.

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