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Mango market price today (17 July, 2024) in Haryana

Mango market price today
Mango market price today

Mango prices in Haryana's markets have always been a crucial topic. Understanding market trends during the mango season is essential not only for farmers but also for traders and consumers. Let's find out the situation in various markets of Haryana on 17th July 2024.

Ballabhgarh Market:

The Ballabhgarh Market, today's arrival of mangoes was 14 tons. The minimum price was ₹1800 per quintal, and the maximum price was ₹2500 per quintal. The model price recorded was ₹2000 per quintal. Today, mangoes are available in this market for ₹18 to ₹25 per kg.

Barwala (Hisar) Market:

The Barwala Market, today's arrival of mangoes was 7 tons. The minimum price was ₹1200 per quintal, and the maximum price was ₹1500 per quintal. The model price recorded was ₹1400 per quintal. Today, mangoes are available in this market for ₹12 to ₹15 per kg.

Ganaur Market: The Ganaur Market, today's arrival of mangoes was only 0.4 tons. The minimum price was ₹2500 per quintal, and the maximum price was ₹6000 per quintal. The model price recorded was ₹4500 per quintal. Today, mangoes are available in this market for ₹25 to ₹60 per kg.

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Gohana Market: The Gohana Market, today's arrival of mangoes was 15.6 tons. The minimum price was ₹2000 per quintal, and the maximum price was ₹4000 per quintal. The model price recorded was ₹3000 per quintal. Today, mangoes are available in this market for ₹20 to ₹40 per kg.

Gurugram Market: The Gurugram Market, today's arrival of mangoes was 42.7 tons. The minimum price was ₹2000 per quintal, and the maximum price was ₹3000 per quintal. The model price recorded was ₹2500 per quintal. Today, mangoes are available in this market for ₹20 to ₹30 per kg.

Hansi Market: The Hansi Market, today's arrival of mangoes was 17.5 tons. The minimum price was ₹1000 per quintal, and the maximum price was ₹4000 per quintal. The model price recorded was ₹3000 per quintal. Today, mangoes are available in this market for ₹10 to ₹40 per kg.

Conclusion: Mango prices in Haryana's markets depend on various factors, including quality, weather, and market demand. This information is crucial for farmers, traders, and consumers to make informed decisions.

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