Mango is one of the most popular and economically significant fruits worldwide, renowned for its delicious taste and fragrance. However, like other agricultural crops, mango trees are vulnerable to various pests and diseases that can impact yield and quality. One such dangerous pest is the Mango Shoot Gall Maker (Procontarinia matteiana), which poses a serious threat to mango production.
The Mango Shoot Gall Maker, scientifically known as Procontarinia matteiana, belongs to the Cecidomyiidae family, which includes small dipteran insects commonly called midges. This pest is primarily found in Asia but has spread to mango-growing regions worldwide. The female midge lays eggs on young mango shoots during the spring and summer, affecting plant growth significantly.
A Mango Shoot Gall Maker infestation can cause several harmful effects on mango trees: Infected shoots become deformed and do not bear fruit, reducing overall production. The presence of galls (swellings) on young shoots prevents proper growth and development. Prolonged infestation weakens the trees, making them more susceptible to other diseases and pests. Deformed and unhealthy trees impact the orchard’s overall aesthetic, lowering their market demand.
Control and Management Measures:
Read More- Mango farming Step by Step guide