Sweet potatoes are renowned for their nutritional value and are widely cultivated in India. The market demand for sweet potatoes is increasing. The optimal time for planting sweet potatoes is the first fortnight of September and October. With over 400 varieties, farmers have the potential to achieve significant profits.
India, sweet potatoes are cultivated on approximately 200,000 hectares. The major producing states are West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Odisha. Sweet potatoes are used as antioxidants and in alcohol production. They grow as a perennial vine and can be consumed boiled or roasted.
Sweet potatoes can be cultivated in all seasons, but they yield better in summer and rainy seasons. For summer crops, planting is done between June and August. After harvesting paddy in December-January, sweet potatoes are planted again.
Improved Varieties of Sweet Potatoes:
Climate and Soil for Sweet Potato Cultivation: Sweet potatoes thrive in well-drained loamy or clayey soils rich in organic matter. The ideal soil pH is between 5.7 and 6.8. They prefer temperate and subtropical climates with temperatures between 22 and 26 degrees Celsius and rainfall between 75 and 150 centimeters. Optimal growth occurs at temperatures ranging from 25 to 34 degrees Celsius.
How to Sweet Potatoes Cultivation: Begin by plowing the field with a soil-turning plow and leaving it open for a few days to eliminate pests, old crop residues, and weeds. Apply 150 to 180 quintals of well-rotted manure per hectare. Use a rotavator to till the soil 2-3 times to make it friable, then plant the sweet potato cuttings. Alternatively, prepare the cuttings in a nursery one month prior to planting by sowing seeds and growing the vines, which are then transplanted. Plants can also be purchased from nurseries.
Planting Distance for Sweet Potatoes: When planting sweet potato cuttings, maintain a distance of 1 foot between plants and plant the cuttings at a depth of 18-20 cm. Cover the planted cuttings with soil. Rows should be spaced about 2 feet apart, and plants should be spaced 35-40 cm apart.
Irrigation of Sweet Potato Plants: Irrigate sweet potato plants timely. In the summer, water the plants once a week. Maintain adequate moisture in the field to ensure good growth and yield of the tubers.
Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Farmers grow various fruits and vegetables, but sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potatoes are particularly beneficial due to their rich nutrient content. They contain more starch and sweetness than regular potatoes, along with fiber, vitamins A, C, and B6, potassium, and manganese. The glycemic index of sweet potatoes is significantly lower than that of regular potatoes, which helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. Consuming sweet potatoes also enhances skin glow and promotes hair growth, making them a popular winter food.
Profitability of Sweet Potato Cultivation: Using improved varieties and organic fertilizers can result in high profits from sweet potato cultivation. A hectare can yield around 25 tons of sweet potatoes. With market prices ranging from ₹40-50 per kilogram, farmers can earn up to ₹2.5 lakh from their harvest.