Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav stated that under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has achieved the top position globally in milk production, with Madhya Pradesh ranking third in the country. He highlighted that milk production in India has increased by 57.62%, a world record. Additionally, the per capita milk production in the state stands at 673 grams, significantly higher than the national average of 471 grams.
The state government has aligned with Prime Minister Modi's vision to double the income of dairy farmers and boost milk production. For this purpose, the MP State Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited and associated milk unions have entered into a collaboration agreement with the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). The agreement, approved by the state cabinet, will span five years, with the option for extension by mutual consent.
Doubling Income Projections: The Chief Minister expressed optimism that these initiatives will result in the annual income of dairy farmers rising from ₹1,700 crore to over ₹3,500 crore. This growth will firmly position Madhya Pradesh as the dairy capital of India.
Major Investments in the White Revolution: The White Revolution Mission, the Madhya Pradesh government plans to invest ₹2,500 crore to enhance infrastructure, including milk coolers, mini dairy plants, and chilling centers in every district in collaboration with Sanchi Dairy. These efforts are expected to ensure sustained growth in milk production.
Expansion of Milk Committees and Collection Centers: Currently, there are 6,000 milk committees in the state, covering 1-3 villages each. This number will be expanded to 9,000, covering approximately 18,000 villages. Milk collection capacity will also increase from 10.5 lakh kilograms per day to 20 lakh kilograms per day.
Strengthening the Sanchi Brand: The Chief Minister announced that the NDDB will help further strengthen the Sanchi brand through extensive promotion and establish it at the national level. There will be no changes to the brand name, and no management or consultancy fees will be charged for managing the milk unions. Additionally, the rights and benefits of the existing workforce will be safeguarded. A grievance redressal system will also be developed for dairy farmers linked with milk cooperative societies.
Promoting Cattle Protection and Milk Production: Chief Minister Dr. Yadav emphasized that each block in the state will develop one village as a "Vrindavan village" under a new initiative. Subsidies for rearing milch animals and bonuses for milk production will also be provided. He reiterated the state government's unwavering commitment to supporting livestock farmers and promoting cattle preservation.
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