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Tackling Climate Change: Development of Climate-Resilient paddy Varieties and Technologies

Climate change and paddy cultivation
Climate change and paddy cultivation

The government, through ICAR’s flagship network project “National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA),” has assessed the vulnerability of various rice-growing regions to climate change. Integrated simulation modeling studies indicate that, without adaptation measures, rainfed rice yields could decline by 20% by 2050 and by 47% by 2080. Similarly, irrigated rice yields are projected to drop by 3.5% by 2050 and 5% by 2080.

Development of Climate-Resilient Rice Varieties:

Between 2014 and 2024, a total of 668 rice varieties were developed, of which 199 are specifically designed to withstand harsh climatic conditions. These resilient varieties include:

  • 103 varieties tolerant to drought and water stress.
  • 50 varieties tolerant to flooding, deep water, or submergence.
  • 34 varieties tolerant to salinity, alkalinity, or sodicity.
  • 6 varieties tolerant to heat.
  • 6 varieties tolerant to cold.
  • Additionally, 579 out of the 668 varieties are resistant to pests and diseases, ensuring better productivity under adverse conditions.

Demonstration of Climate-Resilient Technologies:

Under NICRA, climate-resilient technologies have been demonstrated and capacity-building programs have been conducted in 448 climate-resilient villages across 151 vulnerable districts. Key rice-related technologies include:

Demonstration of climate-resilient rice varieties:

  • Alternative rice cultivation methods such as aerobic rice, direct-seeded rice, and drum seeding.
  • Use of green manure, such as Dhaincha, before rice transplantation.
  • Establishment of community nurseries to manage delayed monsoons.
  • These measures aim to mitigate the adverse impacts of changing climate scenarios on rice cultivation.

Efforts to Combat Climate Change: To address the adverse effects of climate change, the government is implementing the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), which is a key component of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). Through NMSA, financial assistance is provided to states for effectively tackling climate-related challenges in agriculture.
The government's continued focus on developing resilient crop varieties and technologies underscores its commitment to ensuring food security while mitigating the risks posed by climate change.

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