On December 16, two historic agreements were signed in Chhattisgarh under the presence of Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, to promote the micro forest products and dairy sectors. Shri Amit Shah launched two significant cooperative initiatives in Chhattisgarh. The objective of these agreements is to certify forest products, ensuring better market prices for these items. This initiative will improve the living standards of millions of tribal farmers in Chhattisgarh. Shri Shah emphasized the need to promote food products that can prevent diseases, rather than just focusing on treating them, in light of India’s vast population of 1.4 billion people.
Shri Amit Shah shared that thousands of farmers in Gujarat have significantly increased their income by adopting organic farming. He highlighted that farmers in the state are cultivating 21 acres of land using a single indigenous cow, turning cow dung into organic fertilizer and increasing their yields by 1.25 times without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, Shri Shah pointed out the major challenge in the organic market is that farmers are struggling to receive fair prices for their authentic organic products. To address this issue, the Modi government has established a national-level multipurpose cooperative organization, NCOL.
The Union Minister of Cooperation stated that the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) will provide full support to the Chhattisgarh State Cooperative Dairy Federation to enhance its operational capacity. He stressed the need to significantly increase the state’s current milk production target of 500,000 kilograms per day. This will require efforts to increase the number of cows and buffaloes in the region, as well as expanding the registration of cooperative societies to ensure the cooperative movement reach every village. He envisioned a system where every farmer becomes an active member of a cooperative institution, fostering inclusive growth and prosperity.
The agreement focuses on streamlining the collection, processing, and marketing of forest products gathered by tribal communities. Organic-certified products from Chhattisgarh, such as wild honey, tamarind, cashews, chironji, mahua, and coarse grains, will be promoted under the "Bharat Organics" brand in both national and international markets. This initiative aims to increase the income of tribal families while empowering self-help groups involved in the collection and processing of forest products. Furthermore, the partnership will encourage sustainable harvesting practices for organic-certified products, ensuring both ecological balance and economic progress.
Initiative to Triple Milk Collection Capacity in Chhattisgarh: This agreement, the state’s dairy cooperative sector will undergo transformation, leading to a significant increase in milk production. The number of dairy cooperative societies will rise from 650 to 3,850, with an additional 3,200 multipurpose primary dairy cooperative societies being established. Milk collection capacity will grow from 79,000 kilograms to 500,000 kilograms per day, and the milk processing capacity will be tripled to 400,000 liters per day. Additionally, the sale of liquid milk is set to increase tenfold, reaching a target of 400,000 liters per day. This initiative is a significant step towards strengthening the state’s dairy infrastructure and improving the livelihoods of milk-producing farmers.