New Delhi: In an effort to enhance the well-being of farmers and make them prosperous, the Prime Minister's Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is being implemented by the central government. Under this scheme, farmers receive Rs. 6000 annually. So far, farmers have received 15 installments, and it is now time for the 16th installment. In this regard, farmers should keep in mind some essential points to seek assistance if they face any issues in receiving the installment. Here are some helpline numbers that can be useful for farmers.
Launched in December 2018 by the Modi government with the aim of economically empowering farmers across the country, the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana provides farmers with an annual sum of Rs. 6000. They receive this amount through three installments of Rs. 2000 each per year. However, registration is required to avail of the benefits. Farmers are soon going to receive the 16th installment under this scheme.
Helpful numbers in case of issues:
Here are the helpline numbers: