Several regions in Northern India are experiencing severe cold, with the states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh also witnessing frost along with chilly temperatures. In such circumstances, farmers are confronted with the challenge of protecting their crops from frost and cold waves. Farmers can learn from this news about how to save their crops and vegetables in case temperatures drop significantly or frost occurs because many farmers are currently engaged in wheat sowing in various regions.
Whenever there is a possibility of cold weather, frost, or freezing temperatures, farmers face the dilemma of protecting their crops. According to agricultural experts, in such situations, farmers should opt for light irrigation in their fields. Light irrigation during frost or freezing conditions can help mitigate potential damage to crops. Irrigation can lead to an improvement in temperature by 0-5 degrees Celsius, providing protection to crops.
Tasks to Save Plants: Even small seedlings in nurseries can suffer damage from frost or freezing temperatures. In such cases, farmers can cover the small plants with plastic or tarpaulin sheets at night to protect them. This practice has proven to be quite effective. Covering the plants with plastic or tarpaulin sheets results in an increase in temperature inside by approximately 2.5 degrees Celsius. This helps maintain a stable temperature inside, preventing the cold from reaching the plants. If plastic or tarpaulin is not available, using straw can also be an alternative to save the seedlings.
Protection through chemicals: According to specialists, applying chemicals to the crops can also help protect them. It is recommended to spray sulfur 80WDG powder on the crops the day frost is anticipated. This should be done at a rate of 3 kilograms per acre. Following the application of the chemical, irrigation should be carried out.