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How to protect wheat and gram crops from pests and diseases? Farmers were advised to be cautious

Pest and disease control in wheat and gram crops
Pest and disease control in wheat and gram crops

According to information received from the Madhya Pradesh government portal, significant weather changes over the past week have increased the likelihood of pest and disease outbreaks in the key Rabi crops, wheat and chickpea. In light of this, the Agricultural Development Department’s field staff is visiting farmers’ fields to identify potential problems and provide effective solutions.

Pest and Disease Infestation in Chickpea Crops:

The recent weather changes, particularly the drop in minimum temperatures during December and January, have disrupted the photosynthesis process in chickpea crops. As a result, plants are turning yellow and drying up, posing a risk of significant economic loss. Additionally, pests like gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) and diseases such as wilt and root rot are increasingly affecting chickpea crops.

Suggested Treatment for Chickpea Crops:

  • Pest Control: Use Emamectin Benzoate + Profenofos (200 g/acre) or Chlorantraniliprole + Lambda-Cyhalothrin (80 ml/acre) as a spray.
  • Disease Control: Apply Fluopyram + Pyraclostrobin (150 ml/acre) or Azoxystrobin + Tebuconazole (150 ml/acre).
  • Crop Nutrition: Spray NPK 19:19:19 (1 kg/acre) dissolved in 150 liters of water.

Pest Infestation in Wheat Crops:

The major Rabi crop, wheat, is showing early signs of infestation by root aphids (Pemphigus aphid) and cutworms. These pests are damaging the roots and leaves of the plants, leading to yellowing and drying of the crop. Additionally, the infestation is affecting the crop’s vegetative growth and earhead development.

Suggested Treatment for Wheat Crops:

  1. Spray Emamectin Benzoate + Profenofos (200 g/acre).
  2. Use NPK 19:19:19 (1 kg/acre) dissolved in 150 liters of water for spraying.

Advice from the Agricultural Department: The Agricultural Department has urged farmers to monitor their crops regularly and consult department officials in case of any issues. Timely application of recommended pest control measures and fertilizers can prevent potential losses. Proper vigilance and management practices can safeguard the crops and ensure better yields.

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