Madhya Pradesh's Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Rajendra Shukla, chaired a review meeting at the Ministry in Bhopal to evaluate the ongoing recruitment process for medical and allied medical positions under the Public Health and Medical Education Department through ESB and PSC. He directed officials to complete all recruitment processes within the stipulated timelines, emphasizing that timely appointments of manpower are critical to strengthening healthcare services.
The Deputy Chief Minister instructed officials to ensure that there are no unnecessary delays in direct recruitment or backlog vacancies at any stage. He stressed that all cabinet-approved positions must be filled within the designated timeframe, and any issues encountered during the process must be addressed promptly. All formalities should be completed in a time-bound manner to ensure efficiency.
Mr. Shukla also directed that a proposal for pay protection in medical colleges be prepared expeditiously and submitted for cabinet approval after completing all necessary formalities. He urged officials to expedite the process to ensure its early implementation.
Recruitment for Over 33,000 Positions: The Deputy Chief Minister highlighted that over 33,000 medical and allied medical positions are being recruited under the Public Health and Medical Education Department. The breakdown includes:
Presence of Senior Officials: The meeting was attended by the Commissioner of Health and Medical Education, Mr. Tarun Rathi, along with other departmental officials.