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Latest Rice Market Price Today in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh (05 August, 2024)

Rice Market Price Today in Maharashtra
Rice Market Price Today in Maharashtra

We provide information on the latest rice prices in major markets of Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. This information is crucial for farmers and traders to ensure they sell their products at the right price and at the right time.

Rice Market Price Today in Maharashtra:

Rice Market Price in Alibaug: Alibaug market saw a total arrival of 1 ton of rice. The price ranged from ₹1000 to ₹1500 per quintal, with an average price of ₹1200 per quintal.

Rice Market Price Today in Murud: Murud also recorded an arrival of 1 ton of rice today. The prices here ranged between ₹1000 and ₹1500 per quintal, with an average price of ₹1200 per quintal.

Rice Mandi Bhav Today in Uttar Pradesh:

Rice Price in Anandnagar: Anandnagar, the rice arrival was 0.2 tons. Prices ranged from ₹2800 to ₹3200 per quintal, with an average price of ₹3000 per quintal.

Rice Price in Badaun: Badaun saw an arrival of 19 tons of rice today. The prices ranged from ₹3140 to ₹3230 per quintal, with an average price of ₹3175 per quintal.

Rice Market Price in Doharighat: Doharighat had a rice arrival of only 0.8 tons. Prices ranged from ₹2830 to ₹2900 per quintal, with an average price of ₹2850 per quintal.

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Rice Price in Nautanwa: Nauhtanwa, the arrival of rice was 0.2 tons. Prices ranged between ₹2830 and ₹3055 per quintal, with an average price of ₹2960 per quintal.

Conclusion: Today, there are variations in rice prices across markets in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. This information is vital for farmers and traders to ensure they sell their products at the appropriate time and at the best possible price.

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