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Rice market prices today in Maharashtra (March 12, 2025)

Rice Prices in Maharashtra Mandi (March 12, 2025)
Rice Prices in Maharashtra Mandi (March 12, 2025)

Maharashtra. While prices have increased in some places, providing better returns to farmers, other markets have remained stable. If you want to know where rice is fetching the highest price and which mandis have seen a drop, check out the detailed list below.

This will help you determine the most profitable mandi for selling your produce and where you can maximize your earnings. Let’s take a look at today’s latest mandi prices and market trends!

Latest Rice Prices in Maharashtra Mandis:

Mandi Name Arrival (in tons) Type Min Price (₹/Quintal) Max Price (₹/Quintal) Model Price (₹/Quintal)
Alibag 1 Other 2500 2700 2600
Bhandara 0.6 1009 Kar 4100 4100 4100
Karjat (Raigad) 7.5 Other 4200 6000 5100
Mangaon 7.2 Other 2000 4800 3800
Murud 1 Other 2500 2700 2600
Palghar 19 1009 Kar 4035 4035 4035
Sangli 42.3 Other 4200 8800 6500
Solapur 89.2 Other 3475 6865 3845
Ulhasnagar 60 Other 4000 5000 4500
Vasai 39 1009 Kar 3560 4960 4450

Why Do Rice Prices Vary?

According to market experts, rice prices are influenced by several factors:

  1. Quality of the crop: Higher-quality rice fetches better prices.
  2. Mandi arrivals: A higher supply in a mandi often leads to lower prices.
  3. Demand and supply: Prices tend to rise when demand increases.

Where Should Farmers Sell Their Rice Today?

  1. If you have premium-grade rice, Sangli and Karjat mandis are offering the highest rates.
  2. If you are near Mumbai or Pune, Ulhasnagar and Palghar mandis may be good options for better pricing.
  3. If you have a large stock of rice and prices seem low, consider waiting for a better rate or selling in a high-paying mandi.
  4. If your rice is of average quality, look for the right buyers in local mandis to secure a fair deal.

Final Tip: Mandi prices fluctuate daily, so selling at the right place and time can help maximize your profit!

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  2. Wheat prices today in Rajasthan
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