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Latest rice market prices today in Uttar Pradesh (02 December, 2024)

Rice price
Rice price

The prices and arrivals of rice in Uttar Pradesh's mandis fluctuate daily. On December 2, 2024, an analysis of rice prices and arrivals in the state's key mandis has been conducted. This information is beneficial for farmers and traders, enabling them to make informed business decisions. Let's explore the latest mandi prices and the detailed situation in these markets.

Rice prices in Raebareli mandi:

Raebareli recorded the highest arrival of rice today, with 323 tons of common variety rice arriving in the market. The minimum price was ₹3,140 per quintal, the maximum price ₹3,180 per quintal, and the modal price stood at ₹3,160 per quintal. The high arrivals and stable prices make this mandi a significant hub for both farmers and traders.

Rice price Bangarmau mandi:

Bangarmau mandi reported an arrival of 110 tons of III-grade rice. Prices for this category ranged from ₹3,080 to ₹3,180 per quintal, with a modal price of ₹3,130 per quintal. Known for trading medium-quality rice, this mandi maintained relatively stable prices.

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Rice price Firozabad mandi: Firozabad mandi, 141.5 tons of common variety rice arrived. The minimum price was ₹3,155 per quintal, the maximum ₹3,330 per quintal, and the modal price settled at ₹3,240 per quintal.

Rice rate Ghiror mandi: Ghiror mandi recorded a modest arrival of 46 tons of III-grade rice. Prices ranged between ₹3,110 and ₹3,310 per quintal, with a modal price of ₹3,210 per quintal. Despite the limited arrival, the prices remained balanced and stable.

Rice rate Mahoba mandi: Mahoba mandi reported the lowest arrival of rice, with just 8 tons of common variety rice. Prices ranged from ₹3,100 to ₹3,220 per quintal, with a modal price of ₹3,150 per quintal. Even with low arrivals, prices were satisfactory for both farmers and traders.

Conclusion: On December 2, 2024, rice prices and arrivals in Uttar Pradesh mandis varied based on the type and quality of rice. While Raebareli and Firozabad mandis saw higher arrivals with price variations, Mahoba and Ghiror reported limited arrivals but stable prices. This mandi price analysis will help farmers and traders plan their strategies effectively. Stay tuned to Today Mandi Bhav for the latest updates.

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