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Farmers Should grow these Crops in February to increase income


In January, farmers grappled with the challenges of cold weather, adversely affecting numerous crops. However, as February unfolds, the impact of the cold is waning, and mustard crops are thriving in the fields. In these circumstances, there are additional crops that farmers should consider sowing in February to optimize their profits.

Sowing Sugarcane:

Experts recommend that farmers initiate sugarcane sowing after February 15th. Depending on the thickness of the sugarcane, an acre requires approximately 20-24 quintals of seeds, with three to two eyes per seed. Farmers should ensure that the sugarcane seeds are free from diseases. It is advisable to treat the seeds with a high-quality fungicide before sowing.

Okra (Bhindi) Plantation:

Specialists suggest that February is the optimal month for okra cultivation. Maintain a spacing of 15 to 20 cm between plants and 25 to 30 cm between rows during plantation. Soaking okra seeds in water for 12-24 hours before sowing enhances germination. Prior to sowing, treat okra seeds with 3 grams of thiram or carbendazim per kilogram of seeds.

Optimal Time for Tomatoes:

This is an opportune time for tomato cultivation. For each acre, apply nitrogen-40 kilograms, phosphorus-32 kilograms, and potassium-24 kilograms. Before planting, thoroughly incorporate one-third of the recommended quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium into the soil. Plant tomato saplings at a spacing of 45 by 60 centimeters. Watering should be done after dusk, once the plants have been transplanted. Following transplantation, provide light irrigation without waterlogging.

How to Cultivate Eggplants:

This month is also favorable for eggplant cultivation. Before planting, perform multiple plowings of the field and incorporate ample quantities of manure or compost. Additionally, 40 kilograms of nitrogen, 32 kilograms of phosphorus, and 30 kilograms of potassium per acre are required in the field. Thoroughly mix one-third of the recommended quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium into the soil before sowing. It is recommended to maintain a spacing of 60 centimeters between rows and 50 centimeters between plants. Eggplant plantation is best done in the evening, post-sunset, to mitigate the risk of wilting due to sunlight. Light irrigation should be provided immediately after plantation.

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