The time has arrived to plant new crops in the fields during the summer season. Urad, a pulse crop, remains in demand in the markets throughout the year. It is a crop that offers higher profits in a shorter duration. The urad crop matures in 60 to 70 days. Due to its nutritional value, there is a consistent demand for it in the market. Urad cultivation yields well during the summer season, making it most suitable for cultivation during this time. It is advisable to sow it in the first week of April, as temperatures between 30 to 40 degrees Celsius are optimal for its growth. Urad cultivation covers an area of 3243 thousand hectares in the country, with an average yield of 451.6 kilograms per hectare. Urad can be sown in the first week of March and during the months of June-July in summers, with temperatures between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius being suitable. It requires adequate water for cultivation, with an optimal rainfall range of about 700 to 900 mm. Plants should be sown at a minimum distance of 10 cm. Urad can be treated with fungicides to combat diseases such as blight, using fungicides like Captan or Thiram. The yield of this crop can be enhanced by 15% with Rhizobium culture.
Various improved varieties are available in the market, grown across India to achieve higher yields under different climatic conditions. Let explore the major varieties of urad: T-19, Krishna, Pant U-19, YU-218, KU-309, Jawahar Urad 2, Azad Urad-1, LBG-20, ADT-4, ADT-5.
Urad Irrigation - If there is insufficient moisture in the field during flowering and pod filling in the urad crop, one irrigation should be provided.
Yellow Mosaic Disease - Initially, this disease manifests as yellow patches on the leaves in the early stages. Eventually, the entire plant turns yellow. This disease is not inherent in the soil or seeds but is transmitted by viruses.
During summer cultivation, cow dung manure should be utilized for field preparation. For this purpose, one and a half to two trolleys of cow dung manure should be applied per acre. Cow dung serves as a vital fertilizer for root development. chemical fertilizers, 80-100 kilograms of single superphosphate containing sulfur can be applied. Additionally, it comprises various nutrients. Urad, being a pulse crop, also necessitates sulfur. Additionally, 20 kilograms of potash fertilizer can be employed. These fertilizers should be distributed during field preparation, and the field should be leveled with a rotavator prior to sowing.
Read More: Maize Cultivation and Varieties of Maize Crop in India, Maize Cultivation in india
Production and Economic Value of Urad Crop: With proper agricultural practices, urad production can vary from 4 to 6 quintals per acre. Yields of 2 to 3 or even 4-5 quintals per acre are achievable. Urad prices in the market typically range from Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 7,000 per quintal, ensuring its easy availability. In such scenarios, farmers can reap significant profits from urad cultivation.
Utilization of Urad: Urad serves as a primary protein source, supplementing protein intake from pulses. Urad dal boasts the highest protein content among pulses. Urad dal holds a crucial place in the diet, offering a variety of vitamins and minerals.