Sowing Time: The ideal time for sowing chickpeas is between the third week of October and the second week of November.
Seed Treatment: Before planting, treat the seeds with fungicides like Beta-Vax (20 grams/kg), or Thiram or Captan (2-5 grams/kg), as per the recommended rate.
Temperature: Chickpeas grow well in a temperature range of 25 to 30°C. Ensure the crop is planted in this temperature range for optimal growth.
Seed Rate: For small-seeded varieties, use 60-75 kg of seeds per hectare. For large-seeded varieties, the recommended seed rate is 90-100 kg per hectare.
Row Spacing: Maintain a row-to-row spacing of 30 cm for better plant growth and yield.
Irrigation: The first irrigation should be given 50 days after sowing. Follow up with the second irrigation, and the third irrigation should be provided 90 days after sowing.
Fertilizer Management: Apply fertilizers in the ratio of 20:45:20:20 (Nitrogen: Phosphorus: Potash: Sulfur) for optimal growth and yield.
Weed and Pest Management: Perform the first weeding 20-30 days after sowing. For termite control, use a solution of Chlorpyrifos (25 kg/ha).