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What is a Cold Wave? Health department issues advisory to avoid the effects of cold wave

Cold Wave
Cold Wave

Every year, cold waves impact the country during the months of December and January, and sometimes, these events persist from November to February. Cold waves, along with rain and fog, have become prominent weather-related hazards affecting various regions of the country. According to the World Meteorological Organization, significant fluctuations in global temperatures are being observed during different seasons, which adversely impact the environment, health, agriculture, livestock, livelihoods, social economies, and other related sectors. Currently, during the winter season, cold-related health issues may arise due to cold waves, and timely precautions can help mitigate the effects of these natural calamities.

What is a Cold Wave?

A cold wave occurs when cold winds blow rapidly during the winter season and the temperature drops drastically. In simple terms, when the minimum temperature during the winter season drops from 10°C to around 4-5°C, it is referred to as a cold wave.

Important Advice for Cold Waves:

  • Follow local weather forecasts provided by radio, TV, and newspapers.
  • Wear enough warm clothing.
  • Regularly consume hot beverages.
  • Cold waves increase the likelihood of flu, cold, cough, and other respiratory illnesses. If any symptoms appear, contact a doctor immediately.
  • If body temperature drops below normal, if shivering persists, memory loss occurs, fainting or dizziness sets in, or speech becomes slurred, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

Safety and Precautionary Measures during a Cold Wave:

  • Wear warm clothing such as gloves, hats, scarves, and shoes during a cold wave.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes during a cold wave, as they can reduce blood circulation. Wear loose, light cotton clothes on the outside and woolen clothes inside.
  • Stay indoors as much as possible during a cold wave, and only travel outside if absolutely necessary.
  • Consume nutritious food and eat fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C to strengthen immunity.
  • Make it a habit to drink hot substances regularly.
  • Use room heaters, but ensure proper ventilation while using them.
  • Do not massage body parts affected by extreme cold, as it could cause more damage.
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