The Government of Madhya Pradesh has announced the launch of the "Swami Vivekananda Youth Power Mission" to empower, self-sustain, and direct youth towards creativity. Inspired by the motivational thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, who encouraged youth to recognize their inner strength and lead society in a positive direction, this mission aims to nurture the potential of young people and engage them in the development of the state.
India being one of the youngest nations globally has 27.3% of its population between the ages of 15 and 29. This mission is a significant step towards harnessing the abilities of this young demographic and making them contributors to the state's growth.
A New Beginning for Youth on National Youth Day: The Swami Vivekananda Youth Power Mission will be launched on January 12, 2025, on National Youth Day. This mission will inspire youth to realize their dreams and bring about positive change in society. The Government of Madhya Pradesh’s initiative aims to empower youth and foster creativity, contributing not only to their personal development but also to the overall growth of the state and the nation.
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